Download Drama Korea Tale of the Nine Tailed Subtitle Indonesia
Drama Korea Tale of the Nine Tailed Subtitle Indonesia
Download Drama Korea Tale of the Nine Tailed Sub Indo – Ini adalah drama tentang seorang kumiho yang menetap di kota dan seorang produser yang mengejarnya. Pernah menjadi penjaga pegunungan Baekdu-daegan, Lee Yun (Lee Dong Wook) adalah rubah berekor sembilan legendaris, bepergian bolak-balik antara dunia fana dan akhirat membunuh iblis. Dia mengambil bentuk manusia dan menetap di kota, sepenuhnya berasimilasi dengan masyarakat manusia. Sementara itu, Nam Ji Ah (Jo Bo Ah) adalah seorang produser TV yang berspesialisasi dalam program TV investigasi supernatural.
Ketika dia mendengar tentang rubah berekor sembilan asli yang tinggal di kota, dia bertekad untuk menjadikannya sebagai tamu di acara TV-nya. Lee Rang, saudara tiri Lee Yun, dianggap sebagai rubah berekor sembilan paling berbahaya. Menjadi setengah manusia, dia membenci manusia dan menggunakan kekuatannya untuk memanfaatkan mereka.
Drama: Tale of the Nine Tailed (English title) / Tale of The Nine-Tailed Fox (literal title)
Revised romanization: Gumihodyeon
Hangul: 구미호뎐
Director: Kang Shin-Hyo
Writer: Han Woo-Ri
Network: tvN
Release Date: October 7, 2020 —
Runtime: Wed. & Thu. 22:50
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Lee Dong-Wook
Jo Bo-Ah
Kim Beom
Hwang Hee
Kim Jung-Nan
Ahn Kil-Kang
Joo Suk-Tae
Jung Yi-Seo
Kim Kang-Min
Drama Korea Tale of the Nine Tailed Sub Indo
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 01
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Uploadcenter | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Uptocloud | Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Uploadcenter | Racaty | Files | Uptocloud | GDrive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 02
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Uploadcenter | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Uptocloud | Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Zippyshare 2 | HXFILE | UpFile | Racaty | Uptocloud | Solidfiles
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 03
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Uploadcenter | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Uploadcenter | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | GDrive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 04
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Uploadcenter | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Uploadcenter | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | GDrive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 05
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Uploadcenter | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Zippyshare 2 | HXFILE | Acefile | Racaty | Uptocloud | Solidfiles
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 06
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Uploadcenter | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Uploadcenter | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | GDrive | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 07
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 08
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 09
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 10
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 11
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 12
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Special Episode 01
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofile | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofile | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 13
360p [Hardsubindo] : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFILE | Acefile | Racaty | Solidfiles | Upstream
540p [RAW] : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | UQLOAD | HXFILE | Acefile | Racaty | Uptocloud | Solidfiles
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 14
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 15
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 16END
360p [Hardsubindo] : Mega | Fileupload | Files,im | Solidfiles | Racaty | Gofiles | Zippyshare | Bayfiles | Mirror
540p [RAW] : Mega | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Files | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia
Kok gak bisa di download sih eps 2
Kenapa gak bisa didownload min linknya tidak tersedia

Perbaiki dong min
Pake mega kak
Iyh dari kemarin kemarin susah banget di download
semua link gak ada yg bisa di download sepertinya ada masalah kak
Aku bisa download lewat mirror tapi emang agak susah sih tapi masih bisa kok…. Asal usahanya maxsimal ya
Eps. 4 kenapa ga tersedia yg 360 Min?
Mau download yg 540 subtitlenya ga tersedia juga.
eps 4 dong min
Semangat min!!!!!
Aku menunggu mu upload wkwkwk
Wahhh makasih banget admin

Min link Gdrivenya kok ngak ada?
Min sediain link gdrive di semua drama yang ada di sini dong min mau flasback nih pleasee:(
kenap ep 7 gada subtitle nya

kaga ngarti min dianya ngomong 
Iya min
Kok ngak bisadi dowload
miinn.. spin off yg tentang Lee Rang nyaa doong pliss
Tale of the nine tail, untold story
min knp gk bsa download ya
linknya smua error
mohon diperbaiki min
thank you
Admin sampe ga kepantau ni drama ini,”tak bisa di download”. buka lowongan kerja min biar ada tenaga bantu buat update terus drama baru.. semangat min !
Min mau eps 15 & 16 dong, tinggal 2 eps lg blm nonton.